Saturday, February 20, 2010

Day 53 Feb 20

We didn't start out too good today.... our 2 drivers had something for dinner last night that did not agree with them so they had a lousy night. The driver of my car had fallen in the night and hit her head so she had a blooming headache. After medicating and breakfast we loaded into the vehicles and headed to the hot springs..... a fellow traveller at the hotel told us how to get to the free hot spring the Costa Ricans go to instead of paying the $70 tourists get charged. And did we have fun..... then we split up and drove home on our own......

We had a craft class this to decorate a T shirt by cutting into it and adding beads or braiding the sleeves and hem....Walked to a Chinese resturant for dinner with a few others and spent the evening writing. Now I am caught up with the blogging.


  1. Sounds like you are having a wonderful time. I thought you were feeling the heat down there. Hot springs?

  2. I have tried posting a comment several times and it rejects me. So won't redo all my brilliant words, just say--Enjoying your posts.

  3. hey gramy,
    I miss you tons and have been wearing the sweater that you left for stokley (puppy/uncle stokley). We just got back from NYC and are hanging out at home for the rest of vacation. lets try and find a time to skype.
    Love you,
