Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Day 15 1/12/2010

All that is left for us to do before departure tomorrow morning is our laundry! Actually, that's not exactly true because there is the stuff that needs to be done as we ready for exiting the campsite....dumping, unplugging, battening the hatches, etc. We are to exit in numerical order tomorrow....we are rig 13.
Don't know when I'll be posting again, finding internet sites might be sketchy. So I'll sign out for now....WWW


  1. Good number to have, Mom -- and hooray for the pictures!

  2. Happy trails, dear wanderers! just enjoy; post when you can and soak in all the "new" along the route. Have fun! your pal at Quarryside

  3. What is the total number of rigs in the caravan? Have a great trip
