Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Day 19 Jan 16

Today we are off to El Tajin... The tour bus with Miss Vicki picked us up at 8:30 and we are off for the day. This archaeological site is one of Mexico important. We had a very good guide, a member of the Totonac tribe. The Totonacs are believed to be the last inhabitants of the site. We also watched the Voladores perform an incredable "dance", 4 men atop a tall pole, tied around the waist with a rope that has been wound around the pole and a 5th man(78 yrs old) balancing on top while beating a drum and playing a flute. At the right moment the 4 men flip off backward and twirl down to the ground gracefully.

Lunch was Chicken with Mole or a green sauce...I chose the green sauce and it was outstanding! Hope to get a recipe! The Mole was good also but I had that sauce only the night before. Bought an ear of roasted corn, slathered with mayonaise and sprinkled with cheese...delicious! everyone was expecting me to get sick or atleast a protesting tummy problems. Also bought a few trinkets.


  1. good for you! if one doesn't sample the "local" fare you come away never knowing how yummy it can be!! the big trouble seems to be more "water related", ie, drinking or sometimes the very tempting fresh salads, etc. which are routinely "watered" with sewage. And our tummies just don't cope with that raw stuff! have fun; the ethnic bit is terrific! Diana

  2. Are Volardores the same as the Papantla Flyers?
    They sound the same. Great show. Be sure to squeeze lime juice on raw veggies and eating utensils. If they don't bring limes to the table, ask for them. Love you both.
